This is our 11th season as Full Hollow Farm! We are grateful for all of those who have been members of our farm throughout all our past seasons and we look forward to continuing to grow delicious food now and into the future! Every year we make adjustments on what the season will look like- sometimes they are big like building another hoop house, sometimes they are minor like switching up a few tomato varieties, and as we have stepped into our late thirties and now have a toddler and a newborn, we have also begun prioritizing time as a family and away from the farm. Out of this conversation we’ve been having for a few years now, we’ve decided to take the week of Fourth of July off for our CSA members. The farm will continue to chug along under the fabulous care of our crew- other farmers who we’re lucky to work with, but our family will be taking it off to enjoy a good old fashioned summer vacation. See below for the CSA dates!

Our Summer CSA season runs for 22 weeks, starting on June 3rd/4th and running through Nov 4th/5th (depending on your pickup day). This season we will be taking the week of Fourth of July off which means there won’t be a pickup on July 1st/2nd. Normally this is an A Week pickup which means A Week will resume on July 7th/8th and we will continue alternating from A Week to B Week from there.

Here are the pickup dates so you can put them on your calendar:

Full Shares: June 3rd/June 4th, June 10th/11th, June 17th/18th, June 24th/25th, (a week off for Fourth of July), July 8th/9th, July 15th/16th, July 22nd/23rd, July 29th/30th, August 5th/6th, August 12th/13th, August 19th/20th, August 26th/27th, September 2nd/3rd, September 9th/10th, September 16th/17th, September 23rd/24th, September 30th/October 1st, October 7th/8th, October 14th/15th, October 21st/22nd, October 28th/29th, November 4th/5th.

Half Share A Week: June 3rd/June 4th, June 17th/18th, July 8th/9th, July 22nd/23rd, August 5th/6th, August 19th/20th, September 2nd/3rd, September 16th/17th, September 30th/October 1st, October 14th/15th, October 28th/29th.

Half Share B Week: June 10th/11th, June 24th/25th. Then the schedule gets pushed back by a week to make up for the week off of CSA for the Fourth of July. Your next pickup would be July 15th/16th, July 29th/30th, August 12th/13th, August 26th/27th, September 9th/10th, September 16th/17th, October 7th/8th, October 21st/22nd, November 4th/5th.

Please read our CSA Member Commitment:

As a CSA member you agree to pick up your share on time and on your selected pickup day. If this is not possible you will send a friend, relative, or neighbor instead. If you need to switch pickup locations, you will email us with the switch by Sunday evening of your pickup week. If you forget and you wish to pick up your produce at the farm later that week, you need to contact us within 24 hours of your scheduled pickup time. Leftover produce is either eaten by us, farm workers, or the chickens.

Full Share - Members pick up every week and is typically good for a family of 4 or more, or for 2 people if they eat more vegetables than the typical person, or if they want to preserve some of the harvest by canning or freezing.

Half Share - Members pick up a Full Share every other week and is typically good for 1 or 2 people or those who are new to the CSA concept and want to test the waters.  Since we grow and pick all of the produce on or just before pick up day, the produce is a fresh as possible and should last for those two weeks.  Half shares also choose if they'd like to start their CSA the first or second week of June, and then continue picking up their share every other week until the end of October or first week in November. 

If you have any other questions feel free to contact us via email at or message us on our website.